What's Inspiring Me This Season....
So many new things going on in the shop right now... I do believe Fall is the time of the year when my creative brain goes into over drive. I have a feeling it has so much to do with the colors and textures around me. I find my self paying closer attention to the things around me, what brings me joy, and what moments stop me right in my tracks like....
A walk in the backyard....
A walk around our small town...
A trip to the mountains with my favorites...
Simply slowing down...
There's so much to inspire us this season. So much to take the time to slow down and enjoy.
I hope to continue to work on new art and jewelry pieces this week with these inspirations in my back pocket. The next restock will me Thursday evening 10/28 at 8pm central time. I would love to see you there!
xo ~ Carmella